June 12, 2019
- Our complex has eleven (11) designated guest parking spots.
- CORPORATION ESTABLISHED GUIDLINES - 5(a) DECLARATION – Limited Common Elements Effective April, 1973
The "visitors" parking areas shown by broken lines and lettering on Part 1 of the Description are for the exclusive use of CASUAL visitors of the owners or occupants of the Units and are not to be used by such owners or occupants.
- To make a change in the number of guest parking spots has two requirements:
- i) Approval from the City of Toronto
- ii) Condominium Act – to amend the Declaration requires a resolution signed by 80% of the members followed by a discussion and vote at a members’ meeting.
Motor Vehicles
- Without exclusivity includes the following:
- i) Gas/propane/hydrogen/electric, etc. powered vehicles
- ii) Cars, SUVs, Pick-up trucks, trucks of any size, campers, RVs, etc.
- iii) Motorcycles/mopeds/scooters without regard to how they are powered.
- The City of Toronto, when approving the building permit for our complex, established all internal roadways and along the side of townhouse # 26 to be designated FIRE ROUTE NO PARKING areas.
- As such the City of Toronto may ticket/tow vehicles from these areas at any time without requiring Corporation approval. However, the Corporation may request the issuance of tickets. The Corporation cannot stop the City of Toronto from ticketing/towing vehicles in Fire Route No Parking designated spots.
- The Corporation does not have authority to cancel any issued ticket. Payment of issued parking tickets is to the City of Toronto.
- All/any expenses/fees/fines incurred from the towing of a vehicle are for the account of the member; and/or the owner of the affected vehicle.
- The City of Toronto establishes and controls the number of visitor parking spaces that are to be made available. This number becomes part of the building permit. This Corporation has eleven (11) guest parking spaces.
- Payment of issued parking tickets is to the City of Toronto. The Corporation does not have authority to cancel any issued ticket.
- Towing and vehicle storage fees are payable to the service provider.
- The towing provider’s towing administration fee is payable to the Condominium Corporation. This towing administration fee is to be added to the member’s account owing to the Condominium Corporation.
- 1. Incidents of any vehicle:
- i) Vehicles in violation either; or, both of the City and the Corporation’s Parking rules/laws at any time may be ticketed; or, ticketed and towed away.
- ii) Parked on the internal roadways Fire Route No Parking
- iii) Parked along the side of unit 26 being a designated Fire Route No Parking area.
- iv) Parked at the side of unit 53 except for the two approved visitors’ parking spots
- v) Parked in part or whole on any grassed area
- vi) Parallel parked in a single driveway
- vii) Parked on a sidewalk adjacent to and along the length of the driveway
- viii) Parked on a patio area (exclusive use area; or, not)
- ix) Parked in a manner blocking access to any driveway
- x) Parked unlicensed vehicles
- xi) Parked trailers.
- 2. Repeat/frequent – the corporation reserves the right to install tighter restrictions ; or, total removal of parking privileges for the offending unit.