- December 6, 2017
- With the enactment of the new Condominium Act of Ontario YCC84 is upgrading its communication methods of providing notices (by-law 1(12.01)) to members to include electronic notices by fax, email, and through its ycc84.ca web-site. This is conditional on the member having provided a duly completed Province of Ontario form "AGREEMENT TO RECEIVE NOTICES ELECTRONICALLY". In addition members having given the corporation a completed "Agreement to Receive Notices Electronically" form may vote on corporation business electronically from the email address recorded on the completed "Agreement to Receive Notices Electronically" form. CONDOMINIUM MANAGEMENT MUST RECEIVE ELECTRONIC VOTES BY THE DAY BEFORE THE MEETING TO HAVE TIME TO VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY OF THE VOTING PROCESS.
- INFORMATION CERTIFICATE - If after having received an electron notice of the "Information Certificate" that member wishes a paper copy they may do so by making a request through the use of the "Request for Records" form, available on the government's website; or, on the www.ycc84.ca website (tab - Forms).
- Act s.54. Service on owner or mortgagee - Unless the At indicates otherwise, anything required to be given to an owner or a mortgagee under this Act is sufficiently served if it is given in accordance with subsection 47(7) or (8), as the case may be.
- Act s.47(7) Service on owner - A notice that is required to be given to an owner shall be,
- (a) delivered to the owner personally;
- (b) sent by prepaid mail addressed to the owner at the address for service that appears in the record;
- (c) sent by facsimile transmission, electronic mail or any other method of electronic communication if the owner agrees in writing that the party giving the notice may give the notice in this manner; or
- (d) delivered at the owner's unit or at the mail box for the unit unless,
- (i) the party giving the notice has received a written request from the owner that the notice not be given in this manner; or
- (ii) the address for service that appears in the record is not the address of the unit of the owner.
- Act s.47(8) - Service on mortgagee - A notice that is required to be given to a mortgagee shall be,
- (a) delivered to the mortgagee personally;
- (b) sent by prepaid mail addressed to the mortgagee at the address for service that appears in the record; or
- (c) sent by facsimile transmission, electronic mail or any other method of electronic communication if the mortgagee agrees in writing that the party giving the notice ma give the notice in this manner.`
- When there are more than one person on the title of the townhouse each party, if they wish, may receive separate notices. Each party must complete a separate Agreement to Receive Notices Electronically and each must have a different email address.
- When the holder of a notarized power of attorney wishes to receive separate notices, that attorney must complete a separate Agreement to Receive Notices Electronically. The email address must be different than that of the party giving the power of attorney.
- 2017 Province of Ontario Bill 106 allows for electronic (email) voting at owners' meetings.