Denise Lash - LASH CONDO LAW
September 2019
Go to the "DIRECTORY" tab for contact information.
Developed by the Ontario energy Board, LEAP assists low-income customers with their bill payment and natural gas costs.
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1. Botany Hill Park Playground
2. Curran Hall Community Centre
3. Cedar Ridge & Cornell Community
- “Susan Street: The World in One Place” Mural
4. Cedar Ridge Creative Centre
6. TTC Access Hub
- Neilson Rd. & Ellesmere Rd
7. Scarborough Centre Community
12. Respite Centre – 505 Progress Ave
13. Centennial Recreation Centre
14. Confederation Park Playground
18. Scarborough Village Recreation Centre
21. West Hill Park Playground
22. East Scarborough Storefront
23. Boys’ & Girls’ Club East Scarborough
24. Guildwood Branch of Toronto Public
27. Clark Centre for the Arts
31. The Meadoway Multi-use Trail
32. Cedarbrook Community Centre
33. Cedarbrook Park Playground
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
& Toronto and Region Conservation Foundation (formerly The Living City Foundation)
Tel: 416.661.6600 ext. 5763
For more information, please contact:
Project Manager, Project Management Services
The Toronto Parking Authority will be installing bike stations in our community this summer!! This will make cycling more accessible in eastern Scarborough. The stations will be installed at the following locations:
1. University of Toronto Scarborough Campus
2. Guildwood GO Station (two bike stations) to access both the north and south side
3. Morningside park to access Highland Creek
4. Livingston Road North and Greenvale Terrace
5. Livingston Road and Guildwood Parkway service.
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75 Townhouses, Registered April 17, 1973